Wednesday, July 24, 2019

I. Am. Going. To. Finish. My. Work. In. Progress. by Sara Royston

Ahhh summer.  Each morning I get up before the sun and sit in the quiet of my kitchen.  The aroma of fresh coffee wraps itself around me as brilliant words flood my mind.  I quickly write them down, and when I reach my daily word goal in less than an hour, I look up to gaze at a gorgeous sunrise illuminating my backyard ready to start the rest of my day.

In the wise words of Dwight from The Office, False.  This is not how my summer writing goes in the least.  Oh sure, I get some writing done, but it is NOT as glorious as it is in my writing fantasies.

In fact, my summers did not involve much writing before the year 2011.  This was the year I discovered my local Writing Project, and ever since I have made writing a priority each and every summer.  I have gone to a few local workshops that were also connected to the Writing Project, and I have participated in the online summer community Teachers Write led by author Kate Messner. 

I am the type of writer who loves to get a project started, but then loses confidence or vision or motivation to finish it.  I tend to be a pantser and not a planner when it comes to my writing; which means I usually have no idea where I am going or how I am going to get there.  And if I am not fully committed to the story, I abandon it. 

But this summer is going to be different.

I. Am. Going. To. Finish. My. Work. In. Progress.  That’s right.  I am putting my goal out into the universe for all to witness.  I am going to write and write and write some more and get the entire first draft completely written out.  Oh it will most definitely be a crappy first draft, but by golly it will be a completed first draft. 

How will this summer be different you ask?  This time I have a plan for my summer writing.  I have an outline (much less pantsing on this project), I have a clear why I want to finish this piece, and I have already been carving out specific writing time in my day since winter. 

This summer one of my writing goals will be accomplished.  Let’s goooooo!

Sara Royston is currently a middle school teacher in Grand Rapids, MI.  She has been teaching middle schoolers since 2001 and thinks they are the best people to laugh with.  Sara loves to read, write, spend time with her 3 boys and husband, drink coffee, and eat chocolate.  Follow her blog at or on Twitter @SaraRoyston

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