Friday, June 14, 2019

An Invitation to Share by Connie Spyropoulos

This past school year, I’ve had a short story and a creative nonfiction story published. I have two short stories that I’m editing and getting ready for publication. As exciting as it is to have other people read my writing and see the world from my perspective, it’s also terrifying.

What if they don’t like my ideas?

What if this makes no sense?

What if no one can connect to what I’m trying to say?

But pushing aside the “what if’s?” has made me a better writer, and has helped me get published twice this year.

In my language arts classes, peer review and reading our work out loud are integral parts of the writing process. But about a few weeks ago, I thought about something that transformed my mindset as a teacher and a writer.

How can I expect my students to ask for feedback and share their writing fearlessly if I’m afraid to do that myself? Writers need a community in order to grow. And I need to practice what I preach.

So my summer writing goal (and fall writing goal, and basically my forever writing goal) is to write my acknowledgments pages.

At the end of a book, the author never writes, “I did this ALL by myself!” *high five* and ends it there. So many people are involved in the creation of a great story, not just the author. It’s not going to be easy to keep going, and to keep improving if I don’t have my support system.

I plan to write a lot this summer. And I want others to see what I have written! That starts with all of you (hi everyone!). Whether it’s blogging, social media posts, publishing, or even sharing my writing process with my students--I want others to be part of my writing journey, and on my acknowledgments pages.

As you work on your writing goals this summer, be vulnerable and show people your work. Thank them for looking at your work. And don’t forget to write a nice paragraph about them on your acknowledgment pages.

Connie Spyropoulos is a 7th-grade literature/language arts teacher in the Chicago suburbs. She also coaches cross country and boys’ volleyball at her school. When she’s not teaching and coaching, she’s writing (of course!), fishing, and spending time outside. You can connect with her on Twitter at @MsSpy95

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