Thursday, December 7, 2017

When Writers Rule the World: A Writer's Manifesto by Angela Stockman

When writers rule the world, we’ll start our days with story.
We’ll scramble up small moments as we sip warm cups of tea.
We’ll seek conflict resolution over tubs of shared Crayolas.
We’ll value facts and treat them carefully.
We’ll show, not tell our feelings.
We’ll revise like it’s an art.
We’ll apologize and mean it, honestly.
When writers rule the world, we’ll choose our words with great intention.
We’ll draft, reflect, and edit brilliantly.

Earlier this week, I was invited to share my writing manifesto in this beautiful new space,
and this gift could not have been delivered at a better time. It’s easy to forget why we do
this thing we do when we’re buried in it.

And I’ve been buried in it, lately.

So here’s what I remember about my writing self tonight: I believe that everything and
everyone are great big works in progress, that drafting never ends, and that our words carry
weight, even when we feel small. Especially then.

I write to clarify my thinking.
I write to share it sometimes, too.
I try to write things that will help.
And once in awhile, I do.

This is enough.

Angela Stockman is a writer, a teacher of writing, and a professional learning
service provider. She lives in Buffalo, NY with her husband John, her daughters,
Laura and Nina, Remy the rambunctious Labrador, and her sweet cat, Girard.
She’s written three books, a whole bunch of blog posts, and a bit of fiction that
will never see the light of day. You can follow her on Twitter. She’s @AngelaStockman

This month, the #TeachWrite Chat Blog will be sharing the Writing Manifestos of our community. What do you believe about being a writer? Would you like your Writing Manifesto featured on this blog?  Are you interested in writing for us at another time? Fill out this Google form and we will be in touch with a date for you to submit your post.


  1. I believe these things too! It is enough. It is just perfect the way we do it, when we do it. Thank you for being our first guest blogger here on the #TeachWrite chat blog.

    1. It was my pleasure. I'm enjoying the posts that have followed. What a great blog series!


Feedback is the food that feeds a writer's soul. Please leave a few words for our guest bloggers to let them know you stopped by.

Write for Us!

The #TeachWrite Twitter Chat Blog is dedicated to providing a space for our community to connect and share their voices about writing and teaching writing. We are looking for guest bloggers who would like to blog on topics related to being a teacher-writer. Educators and writers of all levels are invited to join us in this space. More information can be found here.