Tuesday, February 27, 2018

I Am Writing by Mark Levine

Writing is hard.

I have wanted to be a writer since I was in the 7th grade.  I wanted to write about the teen experience through my eyes.  There was one main thing standing in my way: Writing is hard. 

Writing takes commitment.  Writing takes time.  To write, writing must become a priority in life.

Through the years, I have collected many starts to novels. In fact, one can track my writing journey through the subject matter of my writing, and of course, the quality. Many years later, I am still starting novels.  The difference is that I now have intention and a voice.  I am much better read and prepared.  The problem, as of late, has been my self-confidence.

Writing takes practice.  As a teacher of writing, I have been able to live this idea.  I have watched students grow as writers.  I have seen students go from incapable to amazing.  Yes- I have learned from my students.

A few years ago, I got an idea for a professional book for teachers.  Again, I started it and stopped.  Restarted and stopped. An editor at a large publisher liked the idea a lot, but my voice was missing. Actually, my voice was not yet developed. Working on my voice became my priority.

Over winter break this past year, I was frustrated with myself. While frustrated, it was time to choose my One Little Word.  My word was obvious: Persist.  If I was going to write, really write, I was going to need to push through my self-talk and make writing a priority.  I was going to create a writing habit. 

In this habit, I write daily.  I write a brief piece for a blog each day.  I write articles for a major online literacy site weekly. And, I write for my real book project.  I am writing between 2-5 hours a day.

Now I am not just a writer. 

I am writing.

Mark Levine is a middle school teacher in the Chicago suburbs. He teaches literacy-based social studies.  He is also a writer, a presenter, and an avid chatter on Twitter. Follow him @LevineWrites or at his blog http://mindfulliteracy.blogspot.com/

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