Friday, January 5, 2018

Share Your Writing Life by Cameron Carter

I write alongside my students. 

Yes, this is a bold but TRUE statement that became a huge part in the teaching and learning of my classroom. Every year, I try to challenge myself to take my own learning to the next level, whether it be personally or professionally. 

This school year, I noticed I was always sharing with my students that I am a writer, too, but the problem was, the students never saw me write! I knew this needed to change. 

I decided once a week, on Free-Write FriYAY’s, to write alongside my students! I took out my sharpened pencil and a fresh sheet of paper and went to town, just like my kiddos. All of this was a HUGE excitement for my students, but above all, it was the spark needed for me to come alive again with my writing! 

Recently, I decided to start my own blog where I post my teaching philosophies, encounters in the classroom, and resources. I believe we are truly a VILLAGE and need to be connected with a plethora of knowledge sources available at our fingertips. 

My goal this 2018 school year is to share this blog with my students to showcase the fact that I am still a writer each and every day. I want my students to SEE my revisions, my mistakes, my corrections. I want my students to SEE me physically going back and rereading what I’ve written, making the necessary changes. Folks, this is the BEST modeling we can do for our students! 

Now, of course, sharing one’s writing does lead to vulnerability, but let’s pause and reflect: Aren’t we asking our students to be vulnerable every day with their learning? If we are truly educators placing an importance on learner, then we must also be vulnerable learners ourselves. 

My challenge to you this new year is to SHARE your own writing with your students and be a witness to the magic that will happen in all of your hearts as writers.  

Cameron Carter is a second grade teacher from Columbus, OH. He is the National Council of Teachers of English  (NCTE) Elementary Lead Ambassador. Cameron is a passionate educator who focuses his studies on reading and literacy at The Ohio State University. In his free time, Cameron loves to travel and explore new places. You can connect with Cameron on Twitter at @CRCarter313 and on his blog, EduCarter.

Write for Us!
The #TeachWrite Twitter Chat Blog is dedicated to providing a space for our community to connect and share their voices about writing and teaching writing.  We are looking for guest bloggers for January who would like to blog on topics related to our January theme -- GOALS.  Educators and writers of all levels are invited to join us in this space. More information can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. You have learned an important lesson that I have to relearn again and again. I get caught up in being the writing teacher and forget that the best teaching I can do is with my own writing. It's authentic and vulnerable. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and goals with us!


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Write for Us!

The #TeachWrite Twitter Chat Blog is dedicated to providing a space for our community to connect and share their voices about writing and teaching writing. We are looking for guest bloggers who would like to blog on topics related to being a teacher-writer. Educators and writers of all levels are invited to join us in this space. More information can be found here.