Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Happy New Year from Teach Write!

As the new year arrives, we tend to think of resolutions, goals, and plans. Writers are no different. We welcome you to join our chat this Monday, January 7th, where the topic is goal setting. We look forward to an hour of reflecting on our writing celebrations from 2018 and looking toward 2019.

If you have been on social media recently, you may have seen reading lists and reading challenges for readers. One thing you probably have not found is a writing challenge.  After thinking about this dilemma for writers, I decided to create the #letswrite2019 challenge. I like to think of it as a panorama view of our writing plans for the year. 

The Teach Write Facebook page nourishes and inspires us daily with the Word of the Day and the "I Did It" round-up. Jennifer, our fearless leader, makes it so easy to begin a writing habit and to support our growth as writers with her inspiration.  The #letswrite2019 will help us to explore and plan for where we want our writing lives to go. We will also celebrate along the way with quarterly progress updates. 

If you are interested in learning more about this challenge, then check out my blog post at A Day in the Life for all the details. I hope you consider joining us!

And I hope you will join us for our January chat on Monday the 7th at 7:30 ET.

Leigh Anne has entered her 12th year of teaching.  She has taught 4th and 5th grade and currently teaches 6th grade ELA at a middle school in Indiana.  She recently earned her Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction at Western Governors University with a goal of becoming a literacy coach. Leigh Anne has a passion for connecting kids with books and helping teachers develop a writing life. You can connect with her on Twitter @Teachr4 or on her blog, A Day in the Life

Write for Us!

The #TeachWrite Twitter Chat Blog is dedicated to providing a space for our community to connect and share their voices about writing and teaching writing. We are looking for guest bloggers who would like to blog on topics related to being a teacher-writer. Educators and writers of all levels are invited to join us in this space. More information can be found here.